1 Word. 1 Voice. 1 Life.

U.S. Suicide Rates Are the Highest They’ve Been Since World War II

Be a voice that could be a lifeline. You’ve seen the headlines: suicide rates have increased 33% since 1999 in the US according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. These deaths cut across all demographic groups – no segment is immune. But we are not powerless – there are ways to help.

Join Amplify’s North Central Regional Suicide Advisory Board and be part of a growing group of people who can help save a life.

Amplify coordinates the Regional Suicide Advisory Board. This regional coalition provides the local infrastructure to build capacity and to promote suicide prevention activities in support of the vision of the CT Suicide Advisory Board and as outlined in the State Plan. Activities include training in how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis, intervention and postvention best practices (promoting healing and reducing risk after a suicide) and grief support resources.

While suicide can feel like an individual act, it doesn’t happen in vacuum and its ripple effect can be profound.

Be the one to start the conversation.

If you or someone you know needs support now,
call or text 988 or chat


State of CT Suicide Prevention Plan 2020-2025 Goals and Objectives

Important Links & References

To get involved with local suicide prevention efforts, please join the North Central Regional Suicide Advisory Board.

For suicide prevention information and resources, please visit Prevent Suicide CT.

For health and behavioral health systems, please consider joining the CT Zero Suicide Learning Community.

Please call us any time. Amplify will connect you with the appropriate resources to assist you along your suicide prevention journey.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline – Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

You Could Help Save a Life

Support Amplify’s Suicide Prevention Workgroup – you might help save a life. You can make a big difference in building an effective system of behavioral health and helping our communities become healthy, nourishing places for our families to live. Make a tax-deductible donation today.